Strangely, I think religious people will be just fine. The people we are going to need to worry about are scientists and their crisis of purpose.

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I agree - those who have staked their reputation on and staunchly defended materialist perspectives and have to face a total rewrite of their beliefs.

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Deep down I just want to see Neil deGrasse Tyson and Mick West squirm lol

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you're probably not alone in that! I suspect some people may conveniently fade out of public view before that can happen :)

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Great framing of the complexities of being human - we are full of inconsistencies and paradox! The UAP/NHI ‘disclosure paradox’ helps to surface some of these contradictory beliefs.

Listening to a recent discussion of UAP/NHI realities I noted several in the audience wanting disclosure while also admitting that national security was paramount. One speaker went as far as saying it was critical that the USA remains militarily ahead of all adversaries - which probably requires extreme secrecy.

I believe many years ago, Richard Dolan may have referred to this as a ‘national insecurity issue’ - and a very expensive one.

I like to way you reference human development and transformational change. Perhaps transformative learning theory (eg Jack Mezirow and others) may offer some insight into the nature of this process. Transformative learning journeys are probably complex and unique for each person. A diverse range of supporting facilitation may be required.

I wonder if NHI also experience a ‘disclosure/contact paradox’, and if so what might that look like 🙂

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Thanks for your comment and the insightful remark about human complexities. Indeed they are many! And I suspect many of the NHI are facing similar conundrums, with some wanting to move quicker than others based on their own beliefs about how contact will affect us and them. I'm somewhat comforted by the thought that those we are dealing with know a whole lot more about how to approach a different civilization than we do...and perhaps have history and lessons learned from previous attempts with humans.

Thanks for the tip on transformative learning - definitely going to check that out.

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The smallest minority is the individual. Any system that does not prioritize the individual is a lie and is self-serving for its decision makers. Collectivism in all its forms are lies as far as I’m concerned. We don’t need government or so called leaders. We need to be our own leaders.

No more lies. Bring on the truth.

We cant handle the truth? We’ve never had it so what a lame argument. Akin to “ for your safety”. Utter nonsense.

Let’s break the mental prison that engulfs so many and see what happens.

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Thanks for your comment. I agree that we need to be our own leaders and step into our personal sovereignty. I think we are moving from hierarchical control to networks of empowered individuals working together by choice. I think this trend toward decentralization will be accelerated by disclosure--not just of NHI but of the extent of the corruption and lies. I think the interviews showed people want transparency and inclusion, not paternalistic protection, which has been a cover for self-serving motives.

That said, I think we need to be thoughtful about how we navigate profound change, in part so it actually sticks and moves us forward and doesn't prompt a reactionary, boomerang effect. Do we rip off the bandaid and "see what happens" with millions or billions of people in ontological shock or do we find ways to proactively build frameworks that help people process paradigm-shifting information?

I am fond of telling people, "Do not cling too tightly to your version of reality." Better to be flexible, open, and adaptable and connect to your own power within. Otherwise the coming years are going to be a really rough ride.

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You make excellent points and say them very well with much sophistication. I tend to be a bit more brutish in my elocution :).

Frameworks to help people shift, hmmm. My intuition says no.

But again, my ignorance is paramount so you may have a point. My bias is towards ripping off the band-aid but i speak only for myself. I have no clue how to handle other folks.

The brain is plastic, whatever initial brain busting shift occurs will be adapted to. Is there a danger of one control agenda being replaced by another during this adaptive phase. Most likely. Fake alien attack!! Fear fear fear.

On the other hand, the zeitgeist has already shifted. I speak about aliens to anyone and everyone. My conversations now vs 10 years ago are night and day. So maybe some more time, let the ideas spread and incubate. Yay Internet(?).

Maybe the frameworks are building themselves as consciousness expands. Really all one needs is to prioritize the search for truth and love vs fear. I write it like its no big deal lol. Its so elementary. Ha.

Some folks need to be hit on the head by the truth before they awake.

And they still won’t see. And why should anyone suffer someone else’s barriers?

Think Im still on the rip off the band aid and see what happens side.

Truth does not require one’s participation but lies do. And I’m sick and tired of lies and Im not scared of a boomerang effect as my ignorance is greater than my imagination so ….. wait, just thinking of the Kingu, hmmm that is a troublesome epiphany. Very few-are ready for that disclosure. Really not sure how to prepare one for human eating 8 foot shape shifting reptiles that live in the Earth and have been here longer than we have.

Exposure is the question: all at once or in digestible packets?

Lol. Ill leave on that note. More thought is needed. Thank you for your time and words!

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Thank you for taking the time to consider these questions. And yeah, I'm with you. How do you prepare people for unpreparable? For the stuff that doesn't just bend reality but challenges your notions of what conscious beings are capable of. It's ironic to me...The study showed that people have so little trust in govt and other people yet when you talk about 9/11 being an inside job or the agenda behind the jab, people are like, "no one is that evil." Well, which is it? There is more of the cognitive dissonance - people are bad, but not that bad. I'm of the mind that everything needs to come out. I think we are in the process of that happening. Maybe there is logic to disclosure coming early in the deck to make the really unbelievable stuff more graspable.

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I appreciate the opportunity to converse :)

The cognitive dissonance you mention is really interesting; I think it may come down to personal responsibility or the lack thereof, the internal vs external validation system or put differently the spirit vs the material.

In a nutshell it still comes down to fear.

People are attached to that which makes them comfortable and secure. Why question that comfort? So what if i don’t understand, I’m comfortable!!! Yay me, yay happy…. Yay make me sick lol.

Without sounding pompous i try to prioritize truth, otherwise we literally have nothing. Others will justify their wants over truth, they love the matrix steak, yet are pleasantly unaware of the prison they have accepted. Not all are unaware, the truly evil know it and play it to their advantage.

Evil and stupidity are 2 sides of the same coin I believe and both need to be dealt with, so….. guessing Im still on the bring it on side and we’ll see what floats. I’m not sure Truth owes anyone a warm cozy blanket :). To each their choices….and outcomes, good, bad, or really ugly.

I’m very open to hearing reasons why i may wrong.

We have eternity to play, no? So either way it’s a win :).

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Love this! Yes, I am increasingly shifting to the bring it on mode. It's going to be a shitshow no matter how prepared we think we are. What preparation does is probably limit the scale and duration of the inevitable chaos. And yet, the drone stuff is showing that people can handle ambiguity and uncertainty without losing it. Something of a different beast but as I wrote in my latest post, perhaps they are testing the beast.

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human intelligence generated info noise is the main problem preventing contacts with other intelligences.

there are base principles, morals, forming from billions of years of communications in any shared media and younger species tends to ignore them, blocking the media with own signals, not being morally intelligent, pushing more advanced ones further and further from the contact.

What if the absence of extraterrestrial contact isn't a failure of technology but of moral intelligence? Advanced civilizations might be unwilling to engage until humanity demonstrates an ability to listen and communicate harmoniously within shared frameworks.

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I think that is probably part of it. We often think we are waiting for them, but more likely, they are waiting for us to arrive at a point in our evolution where revealing themselves would be a net positive. Ultimately it is not the government that controls disclosure but them.

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and i wrote a comment to your first series on how it could have been measured by them. or more precisely consistently monitored in all spheres, including infowars.

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I think the key is us. Both individual and collective consciousness being relevant.

The gov’t wants to control our minds. “They” ( non humans with cool spaceships) are on both sides-some fighting to control us, some fighting ( or virtue signaling lol ) to free our minds.

We have the choice. Many are unaware of this choice but it exists. Spirit vs material, god vs satan, internal vs external validation. The love of power vs the power of love, good vs evil blah blah blah.

Point is our collective consciousness may not quit be there, just yet. As more individuals awaken and throw fear into the garbage, these more than ready individual consciousnesses add to the collective consciousness. When the vibe is ready we will have asked “them” to show themselves.

Its on us. All of it. Be critical, skeptical, fearless and open and the curtain will fall.

Align with truth or the search for truth and presto… right in front of you :).

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