"Strategies for a post-contact world" is a good approach, but what would be the approach to the contact itself? How would you do it? Whom and how to contact, how to welcome, how to make it public to everyone without seriously affecting mental state of every being on earth and so on?

I can't even come up with the single answer on the welcoming gesture, so many variations even within human cultures.

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It's a difficult question. The best way I can answer it is to start thinking and planning before contact occurs to help prepare, which is the focus of my four part scenario planning series - What will extraterrestrial contact mean for humanity. It's going to be inherently destabilizing and some people will totally freak out, but the more we can put the infrastructure and governance in place and acclimate people to the inevitability, the better off we will be

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And I really appreciate the efforts. If you see someone doing similar writings in terms of the actual contact - would be grateful for any references. Biologists, linguists input would be very helpful.

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