Part IV: When Will Contact Happen and What Will It Look Like?
These four key indicators will signal our contact readiness and trajectory
This scenario planning exercise is designed to answer this important question: How can humanity benefit from open contact with non-human races? It uses scenarios to guide us toward a vision of the future we want and mitigate the risks of a future we don’t. Part I introduced four cross-cutting threshold variables that shape the conditions of open contact. Part II incorporated the variables into four plausible contact scenarios and assessed their advantages and disadvantages based on five guiding principles to identify the preferred scenario. Part III explored the no-regrets strategies and actions that increase the likelihood of realizing our preferred post-contact future. This part discusses the indicators that will signal which scenario is unfolding and how ready we are for open contact.
Scenario planning rests on a central assumption—the future we experience is based on our choices in the present. We build scenarios to understand the range of possible futures, so that we can direct ourselves, through deliberate actions, toward the future we want. But how do we know what path we are on while we are still walking it? In the case of the open contact scenarios, what would tell us whether we are treading the Stairway to Heaven or the Highway to Hell?
This is a separate question from whether open contact is approaching, though that is certainly relevant. If we assume that open contact is the culmination of a long journey of acclimation and readiness, monitoring what is transpiring with disclosure in the public sphere gives us clues as to when we might expect mass contact. Signposts we should pay attention to include heightened media attention, increased government activity, more sightings, and mainstream interest in the topic. These factors may signal that formal and unequivocal disclosure (i.e. proof that we are not alone) is approaching, which could trigger broader physical contact, assuming other conditions are met.
What other conditions? As discussed in Parts II and III, we are the deciding factor of when contact happens, where it will take us, and whether we benefit from it. Our collective consciousness will determine our readiness and the scenario we pivot toward.
How we, as a society, handle disclosure will be an early indicator of how contact might unfold were it to happen amidst the same factors.
But we don't need to (and shouldn't) wait for disclosure to play out to start having serious discussions about which indicators can show us the path we are on and alert us to necessary near-term actions that amplify what is going well or correct what is going wrong.
Signals and signposts
Indicators play an important role in signaling changes in the driving forces that shape present and future outcomes. By paying attention to how the environment is evolving, decision-makers can infer which scenario is likely to come to pass and either better prepare for it, capitalize on it, or redirect the current trajectory to a more preferred one. For example, Blockbuster notoriously turned down the opportunity to buy Netflix in its early days and went bankrupt not long after. Had Blockbuster effectively monitored the driving forces in its market, like shifting consumer preferences, changing technological landscape, and emerging business models, it might have seen it was on the path to obsolescence and taken strategic actions to succeed.
We can apply this concept of indicators to the contact scenarios. What would signal a change in contact conditions such that we could recognize the scenario we are heading toward? The overarching answer comes back to consciousness. However, absent a global consciousness meter, we must observe our world for data and trends.
Consensus reality is a reflection of our collective consciousness.
I previously suggested we could measure consciousness, at the macro level, by the degree of fear permeating our world, where fear decreases as consciousness increases. While we could design metrics to approximate this, potentially using polls, analysis of internet and media trends, crime and violence statistics, and public response to fear narratives, among others, doing so probably wouldn't be that insightful. We require sharper tools that speak to contact and remain relevant post-disclosure.
To simplify and focus this task, we can revisit the threshold variables or drivers identified in Part I that are assumed to set the base conditions for our potential responses, which will lead us toward a given set of outcomes, as represented by the scenarios. These forces or variables are:
Degree of communication – The ability to exchange and comprehend information
Degree of knowledge transfer – The sharing of knowledge and technology
Disposition of other races – The prevailing attitude and intent toward humanity
Human governance and leadership – The nature of human power structures at the time of contact
While not perfect, we can draw on these variables, as well as the guiding principles established in Part II, to define indicators for determining our contact readiness and trajectory based on our consciousness evolution.
Little signs of big changes
What we are trying to do with the indicators is "think upstream" and "identify the little signs of big changes," so that we recognize the future scenario we are heading toward and adjust as needed to achieve the stated vision. In this case, the vision is of positive contact with other civilizations that propels us toward our greatest human potential. It is an initiation into the galactic community that benefits humanity and other civilizations.
I propose the following four key indicators, with the potential to add more as these discussions progress:
Emergence of scientific breakthroughs and discoveries
Application of new knowledge to technologies
Breadth and intensity of social unrest
Nature of international cooperation
These indicators provide a framework for assessing our current state. The idea is that we would periodically assess the state of these indicators in order to gauge what scenario we are pointed toward and what actions, if any, are necessary to adjust our trajectory.
Emergence of scientific breakthroughs and discoveries
As noted in Part II, when we raise our consciousness, we become the vehicles of our own knowledge transfer and download, making ET knowledge sharing useful but not necessary. We can access the information and divine inspiration, through our own heightened intelligence and connection to the field, that will further scientific understanding. We may have galactic assistance in some of those discoveries, whether the originating source is known or not. It may be a Degree of Communication indicator in disguise. Â
Thus, I believe one of the indicators to watch for is an acceleration of scientific discovery, particularly in fields that help to explain our reality, like physics, planetary science, and biology and genetics. Such discoveries could signal and stimulate a shift in consciousness by challenging status quo assumptions in favor of new paradigms, which opens further inquiry and discovery. As noted above, it could also suggest non-physical forms of contact, via personal experiences, are accelerating, which is likely an important precursor and predictor of open contact. Conversely, efforts to censor, malign, or suppress scientific discoveries may indicate we are progressing toward a harmful contact scenario or delaying contact.
Application of new knowledge to technologies
How these scientific breakthroughs are applied in technology will also indicate the trajectory we are on. Are they used to support life and freedom or limit them? For example, the proliferation of new healing, clean energy, and restorative environmental technologies may be a reflection of heightened consciousness, greater benevolence, and weakening control by the powers that historically have suppressed such advancements, which would be a positive indication. Conversely, use of new knowledge for nefarious purposes or restricting the positive gains to certain "elite" populations would be a warning sign that we are veering away from our preferred future.
Breadth and intensity of social unrest
Social unrest is typically a response to policies or actions that are contrary to the public good, as reflected in the desires and will of the people, particularly regarding personal freedom. As a result, one could expect an advanced society functioning at a high consciousness to have no cause of or need for social unrest because it honors its people and has alternate, peaceful ways to deal with conflict. The caveat is that the lack of widespread social unrest could indicate a population that is still asleep in lower levels of consciousness. Awakened souls will be able to tell the difference, as will those with common sense. If we are living in a utopia, I think we'll know it. Â
While no social unrest may be the end point, the presence of social unrest is not necessarily a sign that we are on the wrong path. In fact, it may be an indication that the collective consciousness has sufficiently elevated into a perspective where it can see repressive and manipulative actions more clearly. Given that consciousness values freedom, social unrest could be a sign that the collective is rejecting the old ways of power and control and committing to the new vision of peace and freedom. Again, it shouldn't be too hard to tell the difference between manufactured division and widespread grassroots uprising for positive change.
Nature of international cooperation
Given that contact is a global phenomenon, cooperation among nations is paramount. Thus, a key indicator of our trajectory is the state of international relations and the infrastructure in place to allow fair, transparent, inclusive, and timely coordination at a global scale. If we accept that our institutions are a reflection of all of us, how these international institutions are serving the public good will show us where we are in our collective consciousness. It may be a lagging indicator but it is an important litmus test for whether contact is likely to follow the guiding principles of transparency, sovereignty, fairness, peace, and stability, or drag us further into conflict, not just with other nations but with our galactic visitors. Presumably, extraterrestrials here to help us are not likely to take actions that could lead to violence or war.
All of these indicators are themselves indicators of the nature of our human power structures, including the degree of corruption of our world leadership and the respect (or lack thereof) of personal freedom, which Parts II and III established as a driving force of whether contact helps or hurts us.
Navigating contact in a climate of fear and mistrust risks souring the real fruits of entering the galactic age, at least in the near to medium term.
If we want contact to happen and to benefit humanity, we will pay attention to the path we are on. The indicators can serve as a compass or diagnostic to know where we stand.
What is your assessment of where we are today?
A hair past the tipping point
If our galactic friends and families want to help us, there is good reason to wait on mass contact until our human civilization has passed a point of no return in our evolution.
I believe one of the many gifts of contact is to stretch us, challenge us, and catalyze systemic change consistent with higher consciousness.
This means we won't need to wait until all of our human messes are fully sorted out, which will likely take lifetimes.
But we will need to be at least a hair beyond the tipping point, such that the inevitable chaos of contact drives us forward to a better world instead of sending us back to our old ways. We need a slingshot not a boomerang.
And again, this is all largely up to us. While the ETs are in control of when they show up, we are creating contact together. It is a partnership. We humans can't just sit back and wait for the government to deliver it on a platter or for a fleet of ETs to beam us all to the fifth dimension. Not if we want it to help humanity in the long run. If we want a positive post-contact future and a thriving galactic age full of unimaginable possibilities, we will put ourselves on that path now, starting with discussions like these that set a vision and guiding principles, identify and implement necessary actions and strategies, and track the trajectory we are on, so we are always pointing toward positive outcomes.
We are in a period of accelerated change. Whether we have a soft or hard landing largely depends on our individual and collective willingness to look at the world we created and ask ourselves if it is what we want. If it isn't, it is up to us to change it. Contact can—and I believe will—be an incredible leap forward for humanity but we need to bring our best game to the starting line.
Carolyn Brouillard is a strategy consultant and transformational coach interested in preparing humanity for the galactic age. Following her personal transformation, including repeated UFO sightings, she repurposed her business skills to guide individuals and organizations past the edge of their current thinking to realize their highest aspirations. Consulting or speaking inquiries should be emailed to
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Your series presents very deep thoughts and is very well articulated.
Some weak link predictions:
You aren't interested in the details of the contact organisation because you are representing a group (not necessarily a state, but state actor definition suits you well), that was in limited contact before and you are working towards preparation of the society for full open contact.
Limited contacts on various levels have likely happened through the past history and are happing now, and various interests are pushing into different directions, some of which you have covered in the series, and some of which have caused negative effects noted in the past (xenophobia, deification, govt secrecy and interests, societal apathy).
It is likely that Earth conditions are quite unique for the appearance of biological life, likely the result of contributed efforts throughout history to facilitate its development within the availability window.
It is likely that the current status of Earth is similar to that of a national park, a unique place where specific biological life forms can grow in consciousness levels.
It is likely that contacts were made with rogue ET groups of various interests, and those contacts include both physical and non-physical forms.
In understanding the contact the following is useful to consider:
* Society needs to understand the path of cooperation and the necessity to eliminate societal parasitism/societal cancer in various forms.
* Society should transition to a cooperative society on an individual level through trust bubbles (there are some good movements in this direction via the free state movement)
* A contact is possible within the consciousness levels of a couple of scales of differences. Beyond that, it would be similar to attempts of the human society to talk to bacteria or stars/rocks trying to talk to humans (which can't be understood due to the difference in the lifespan of human beings).
* Society needs to understand properly the lower levels of consciousness and how to cooperate with them. We aren't the only ones on Earth.
The link prediction for the contact in Apr 2024 is very weak, but more likely, there are 10 to 30 years left for humanity to find the right balance between technology, society, and consciousness levels, unless the 'time travel' factor applies.