Part III: How to Prepare for Extraterrestrial Contact
Actions to increase the likelihood of a positive post-contact future
This scenario planning exercise is designed to answer this important question: How can humanity benefit from open contact with non-human races? It uses scenarios to guide us toward a vision of the future we want and mitigate the risks of a future we don’t. The goal is to identify strategies and actions that increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. Part I introduced four cross-cutting threshold variables that shape the conditions of open contact. Part II incorporated the variables into four plausible contact scenarios and assessed their advantages and disadvantages based on five guiding principles to identify the preferred scenario. Part III explores the strategies and actions that increase the likelihood of realizing our preferred post-contact future.
Part II concluded that the critical variable in whether open contact is beneficial or harmful is us—the humans of planet Earth. We are the driving force. Whether we benefit from ET contact depends on whether we are ready for it—and for them.
What would it look like to be ready?
To answer that question, it is helpful to remind ourselves of the aspirations for open contact. Yes, contact could bring technology that remedies many of our current challenges. It could bring distant planets and other star systems within the reach of human travel. And yes, open contact could answer many existential questions that have puzzled us for millennia, including filling in the gaps of our human history.
Yet perhaps the real promise and gift of open contact is what it opens up for us. We cannot look into the eyes of a person from another planet and keep our reality (and all the assumptions underpinning it) intact. We will be irrevocably changed, like the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis. As our hearts and minds expand into new realizations of who we are, where we came from, and what is possible for us, we step into our human potential.
Are we ready to be all that we can be?
The threat of our current systems
As explored in the scenarios, a deciding factor in whether a scenario can be considered beneficial was the disposition and capability of human governance. If we are governed by corrupt leaders and institutions that lack accountability and public trust, we risk open contact being hijacked for their agendas and exploited for their benefit.
When given something to fear, many (most?) people are easily manipulated into submitting to control. A look at recent alien movies and the "threat" narrative coming out of Congress, the military, and sanctioned talking heads on #UFOTwitter give a clue as to the cards they would likely play should contact happen now. Not to mention the recent posturing relative to defending our airspace. Contact in this context would likely be chaotic, divisive, and downright scary.
On the positive side, it is possible that an aggressive, confusing, and fear-mongering response to open contact on behalf of our governments would awaken more people to the shortcomings and systemic manipulation of our existing power structures and the need for reform.
However, do we really want to be having a global revolution at the same time we are navigating ET contact? I don't think so.
Nor would I expect benevolent ETs to want that responsibility or to play that role. Given that ETs could make their presence known any time they choose, their general absence (or invisibility) could be an indication that they know we are not ready to receive them, though that is changing.
Consciousness is key
One of the goals of this scenario planning exercise is to identify what needs to happen or change before contact occurs to increase the chances of a positive experience. In addition to thought exercises like this, there are practical and supportive tactics like demanding government disclosure, promoting quality independent coverage of ET-related issues and stories, and building organizational structures to plan for ET relations and respond to ET events. Such tactics, as discussed below, begin to put an infrastructure in place for thoughtful, transparent, and timely actions that prepare us for a softer landing.
However, the most significant and helpful preparations go beyond the tactical to the spiritual.
Our state of consciousness will determine when contact happens, how it plays out, and where it takes us.
For purposes of this article, consciousness is defined as the awareness of the true nature of self. We will measure consciousness by the level of fear. At higher (more expanded) levels of consciousness, there is no fear because one understands their eternal nature, the illusory perceptions of reality, and their role as the limitless creator of their experience. Where there is no fear, there is total freedom. At lower levels of consciousness, fear dominates our experience, pitting us against one another and making us vulnerable to manipulation and control. Covid provides a case in point.
The implication of this is three-fold.
First, open contact in a world still dominated by fear and controlled by centralized media narratives could cement the power structures we are trying to get away from and further divide us. Not good.
Second, introducing an advanced civilization to a fearful world could result in bowing to new masters, trading one oppressor for another, even if they are benevolent. Also not good. Third, for those who are clinging to the consciousness of the status quo, the arrival of people from another planet could terrify them to death. Literally. None of these outcomes moves us in the direction of the better world contact should facilitate. It might even set us back.
Getting Ready for the Galactic Age
The good news is that as we awaken and spiritually evolve into higher levels of consciousness, the preparations we make for contact will be borne of that energy. The fortuitous irony is that as we evolve, the better world we envision as an outcome of open contact will come into being through our own clarity and creation.
ET contact is not so much a driver of our better world as a product of it.
Contact with advanced civilizations will expand and accelerate the evolutionary processes already underway. But like a catapult, we need to bring the rock.
While we are now living through a great awakening, a look around our world suggests the collective consciousness still has a way to go before we are ready for open contact.
That doesn't mean we sit back and wait. There are several individual and communal actions we can take now, in parallel, that will lay the foundation for positive contact scenarios. Think of it like succession planning for the retirement of the global regime. These can be considered “no regrets” actions because they make sense across every scenario and do no harm no matter which scenario unfolds.
Individual Actions to Promote Positive Contact Scenarios
Heal yourself. The first step in raising the collective consciousness is to raise your own by shifting your perspective and releasing what is holding you back. Much of what keeps us at lower levels of consciousness are the unconscious mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns we have adopted over the course of our lives. These stories and beliefs often cast us as a victim, perpetrator, or sinner, leading to self-doubt, self-judgment, and a multitude of fears, including the fear of not being accepted and cared for. In our perceived weakness, we are vulnerable to control.
Whether through self-introspection or with the guidance of a coach or therapist, work through your dramas, traumas, and fears and let them go. Learn to see life from a higher perspective and cultivate that heightened awareness and understanding into deep compassion and self-love. Embrace and protect the inner stability, resilience, and peace that comes from self-revelation and whatever personal practice calms and centers you. As you heal, you send that healing energy to the world, making it easier for the next person.
Educate yourself. There is a long and well-documented history of the phenomena, as well as lots of UFO videos online that can excite the imagination and acclimate you to the idea of ETs, so that you view this topic with fascination instead of fear. Let yourself be guided by your interests. The point is not to become an expert on UFOs, aliens, or metaphysics (no one truly can be), but to spark a sense of curiosity and start building some familiarity with these concepts so the inevitable shock is followed more by excitement than terror.
Seek your own contact experiences. Having your own contact experience, such as seeing a craft or communicating with other forms of consciousness through meditation or dreams, is a great way to bring the wonders of the universe into your life, provided you approach it with positive intention. These experiences tend to expand your mind and enrich your sense of connection, as well as lessen the fear of the unknown.
Critically observe the world. Contact will be a confusing time. The more you understand about how those in control operate, the better prepared you will be to discern fact from fiction. Heightened intuition and enhanced critical thinking will help us detect acts of manipulation and control and prevent the media and government from co-opting the disclosure and contact journey to serve their own ends. As individual and collective consciousness advances, what has been hidden from us rises to the surface, where we can choose whether it belongs in the new world or not.
Engage with others. This is a momentous time for humanity. What a gift to be able to share it with others. Whether on social media, with friends, a local meetup group, or some other venue, I recommend being part of the conversation. The more we talk about this, even if pure speculation, the more energy we are putting into the new. Engaging with others will also provide a community of support, which will likely become increasingly important as we build up to open contact.
Communal Actions to Promote Positive Contact Scenarios
Demand government disclosure. The wheels of disclosure are turning and it is up to us to keep the pressure on our elected officials to share what the government knows about the ET presence on and around (and in) our planet. Government disclosure is not the end or even the main event, but it is an important means of reaching collective consensus that we are not alone, which opens up important new lines of inquiry. While the near-term effect is likely a loss of what is left of trust in government, over the longer term, ongoing and transparent disclosure may help restore trust and bring new leaders into the fold.
Pursue systemic reform and renewal. As noted in the analysis, a driving factor in how contact proceeds is the state of our governing bodies. The same corrupt and compromised institutions that lied to the world should not be the ones leading and representing humanity when contact comes. Part of awakening and transformation is redefining and affirming our values and acting in accordance to those values, including selecting local and national leaders with integrity and a deep commitment to public trust and holding them accountable to the will of the people. In parallel, we should shift away from corporate, government-infiltrated media toward independent journalism that supports honest reporting and open discourse.
Create a positive vision of the future. Contact is not something that happens to us. It is co-created by us and we have a say in how it unfolds. What do we want open contact to look like and where do we want it to take us? What forms and degrees of exchange do we want? What are our rules of engagement with other countries and civilizations? These are the kinds of questions we should answer for ourselves before contact is upon us. Exercises such as this series should be significantly broadened to include a cross-section of stakeholders and deepened to craft draft visions and detailed proposals of how we want to handle contact. In organizing serious, practical, and thorough debate, we may borrow from strategic roundtable, tabletop, and scenario planning exercises like those hosted by the Aspen Institute or World Economic Forum, except inclusive, transparent, and committed to the public good.
Incorporate ET discourse into the mainstream. We all have a role to play in reducing the stigma around the phenomena and starting to engage people on the potential implications of contact. This could include spearheading thought exercises at your work (where relevant), college courses on various aspects of the phenomena, community events, civic discussions, letters to the editor, movies, or other means of raising the visibility and social acceptance of ET-related topics. The more we encourage and make it normal to explore such ideas, the more progress we can make in preparing for ET contact.
Build international diplomatic capabilities. I am not aware of any existing, recognized international institution that addresses ET contact in its charter or has a dedicated ET office. The closest is probably the United Nations (UN), which brokered agreement on several international space treaties. The UN may also soon be receiving an official proposal from Project Titan, associated with the International Coalition of Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), to establish a UFO office that will organize a periodic international UFO conference to discuss related research and issues under the auspices of the UN.
While this is likely a positive interim step, we must not forget that most of the UN's space activities are focused on commercialization and militarization of space and closed to public input. Further, the UN gave us the suspect World Health Organization and is closely tied to the World Economic Forum and the likes of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. Are these the people we want to speak for humanity when it comes to diplomatic relations with ETs? Or might we want to follow Jordan Peterson's lead in creating populist alternatives to the WEF annual meeting of "elites" in Davos?
In addition to Project Titan and Peterson's planned forum, the not-for-profit Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact (AEDC) has the right general idea. AEDC is an "international network of diplomats, politicians, government officials, experts in extraterrestrial affairs, and interested people, with the shared goal of welcoming extraterrestrial civilizations to establish diplomatic missions on our planet." They drafted a protocol, proposed as an amendment to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, to guide international cooperation on ET contact, and are planning to construct an ET embassy. However, caution is prudent here as well. This effort is driven by the Raelian movement, which espouses a certain belief system that could be considered cultish and limited in its sophistication and understanding. For one, an assumption that all ETs we might meet are benevolent and here for our greatest good is reckless, dangerous, and not supported by many experiencer accounts or common sense.
Group meditation. The energy generated by people coming together with a shared focus and intention is extremely powerful. Gatherings that promote a shared vision and hope for positive ET contact pulse that message out to our human energy field and the ETs paying attention to us. The more we build resonance around a bright future in the galactic age, the more likely it is that we will create it and the quicker it will come.
The time is now
Again, the best time to prepare for something is before that thing is upon us. And the best way to avoid a future we don't want is to create the one we do. It is time for truly neutral, independent, and intellectually rigorous debate and planning on how to position humanity for a positive contact experience. It is time to get all of the questions on the table and start thinking through possible answers. It is time to start building the alternatives to the institutions that have kept us stuck in old patterns of fear, division, and small-mindedness.
There is no situation that is not helped by raising consciousness and expanding perspective. In the case of ET contact, raising consciousness is both what brings the galactic age within reach and increases the likelihood that we benefit from it. As we evolve, our institutions and societal structures will evolve with us, bringing new solutions and possibilities that create a future beyond our brightest dreams. Our ET friends will likely lend a hand on that journey over the bridge, but we are the ones who need to step up to meet them. Perhaps it is not us waiting for them but them waiting for us to be ready.
Let's keep moving, healing, and dreaming! The galactic age is at our doorstep.
Read Part IV here.
Carolyn Brouillard is a strategy consultant and transformational coach interested in preparing humanity for the galactic age. Following her personal transformation, including repeated UFO sightings, she repurposed her business skills to guide individuals and organizations past the edge of their current thinking to realize their highest aspirations. Consulting or speaking inquiries should be emailed to
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